SP semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Global Power Semiconductor Enterprise

  SP Semiconductor & Communications Co., Ltd. as the manufacturing company that assembles and tests semiconductors, provides products and services that exceed customer needs and expectations based on customer-oriented unlimited liability.

Continued improvement activities are carried out to maintain the quality management system and provide the best service to customers

All employees and relatives strictly prohibit all forms of bribery and corruption, and all transactions are carried out transparently and cleanly


In order to meet the needs of customers, all employees will strive in one accord, so that products and services that are most suitable for the needs of customers can be provided to customers through efficient quality, environmental management system and organization construction and continuous quality improvement activities


We are improving the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems and processes, through progressive quality improvement by everyday operation as well as innovative improvement methods by implementing strategic projects.

Zero Complaint

We are committed to ensuring stable quality & reliaility for mass production by evaluating whether the initial quality of products, processes, facilities, and raw materials produced and the quality of new products meet the requirements of customers or national standards, group standards, and legal requirements